

Child presentations are held once a year. Requirements to participate are as follows:

  • Be a member of Houses of Light and part of a friendship group.
  • The child you wish to present must be at least 6 months old and no older than 2 years old.
  • Take and complete Level 1 of the “Effective Parenting” class through the Family Counseling Center (CAF)

For more information, you can speak directly with our counseling family center: 818-678-9977

We want to express our desire to support each family in the stages they are in, but due to lack of space we cannot offer our facilities for ceremonies or celebrations.

In order to be married by one of our pastors, we ask that each engaged couple meet the following requirements:

  • Be members of Houses of Light and be part of a friendship group.
  • Have attended an Inner Healing Retreat.
  • Take a premarital course through the Family Counseling Center.
  • Commit to following the guidelines for celebrating a Christian holiday.

To see in more detail the wedding requirements and to make your appointment for the premarital course, you can speak directly with our Family Counseling Center: 818-678-9977.

We would love to be with you at this special time. We have a special orientation once a year to clarify the details of a Christian quinceañera. The first step for any future quinceañera is to participate in that class.

If you would like our pastoral team to participate, these are the requirements:

  • Be a member of Houses of Light and a friendship group (for the young woman, this means being part of the HOLY58 youth group).
  • Agree to have a member of the Houses of Light pastoral team officiate the ceremony.

To schedule a counseling appointment, please call 818-678-9977. We are here to help you celebrate this beautiful step in your daughter’s life.

As a church, we are committed to accompanying and supporting families in any way we can. However, at this time, Houses of Light does not have the capacity to open its doors for family events or celebrations.

If you are in need of a venue for your ceremony, we invite you to speak with your friendship group leader. They can connect with our office to see what resources we have available and find the best way to help you.

Pastor Netz is not available for counseling due to his busy schedule. However, we understand the importance of providing support in times of need, which is why we have the Family Counseling Center. Our counselors are available to help families and marriages in their times of crisis. All counselors have been trained and approved by our leadership team, ensuring quality support.

Pastor Netz has a great desire to be with families in their moments of celebration and grief. However, due to his schedule, he cannot always be available to officiate weddings, celebrations, or funerals. At Houses of Light, we have a pastoral team dedicated to walking with people and supporting them through the best and worst moments of their lives.

For those who receive premarital counseling with a pastor from our team, that pastor commits to walking with them until their wedding day, being the first choice to officiate the ceremony.

For any other celebration or ceremony, you can call the church office and we will help you find a pastor from Pastor Netz’s team for your event. The office phone number is 818-998-2931.

We are praying that the Lord will provide us with larger facilities in the future. For now, we appreciate your understanding and patience as we work with the resources we have.


We would love to talk to you.
Please feel free to get in touch using the details below.



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